This (spot) serves three purposes;
A *commune of self pro-claimed ' TruthSeekers ' exchanging knowledge & invitations to explore topics that make one's 'SelfTalk' go, "Daamn!". *Acting as an alternative voice for 'DaamnTalk', ' DaamnTalkDIY ' & ' DaamnTalkDJO ' D.T's founder Mr. Black wanted to provide a *hub for folks who are similarly sick of platforms shadowbanning content. Simultaneously a *residence for the information & speech that's been censored. "Let's say Daamn - together!"
Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
February 11, 2024
Arnold from State Farm (?) Aliens land for apartments (?) An AI generated ‘jesUS’ Super Bowl ad (?) These 2024 SuperBowl commercials were…..

And by far Our favorite commercial, (& the ad-meter favorite as well!), Arnold Schwarzenegger as the State Farm guy!?!?

Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
What else you may like…
CocoMelon MindControl (?) no, no Daang way sir, mam, other

Have you heard (?) no, not, ‘about the bird’…
About the war being waged on your children

February 22, 2024
How goes the HOVE (?) (Feb2024)

It’s not every day that one moves to the final frontier, rarer still is finding said frontier in a state the rest of the country calls “paradise”… but Daamned if that ain’t what it came to be -in the year 2023.
Welcome to TheHOVE. Where your neighbors could be multi-millionaires flying their own personal aviation machines… while their neighbors may be living in a plastic dollhouse. Hawaiian Ocean View Estates, where you’re apt to get random help pushing your dead truck up a hill… (if they don’t decide to pee on it, that is!) The HOVE, where the people are as diverse as the wildlife; lizards, goats, turkeys, quails & a ravenous wild dog for every 100 bodies! Speaking of bodies, TheHOVE has all kinds! Well…. Mostly alive ones - in the nations largest subdivision its easily expected to find a wide array of MissingPersons… The mountain’s alive & the land’s sacred. Volcanic landscapes & ocean views, this is arguably the only place left on island where one can ...

February 17, 2024
Sleeping Joe tests negative for Competency- diagnosed by his own DOJ!? DTDD21224

DailyDaamn Feb 12th, 2024

Unlisted YouTube video link:

September 12, 2024
Moving forward

I am here. I am alive & full of emotion. Desiring to move forward & striving to move away from the wrong I did, acknowledging the extent of my actions… I want love, peace & unity, family. I have hope, though I’d be dishonest to say that depression isn’t proving to be quite the formidable foe. Time. Truth. Trust, Love of parenthood & raising up a little one by leading with actions & stability. I do have clarity of goals.

September 18, 2024
Hardest pill to swallow
Why is DaamnTalk (?)
And WTD are We Talking about (?)

What the Daamn is DaamnTalk (?)

     Well, get ready to pour your alphabet soup! This explanation's a tad runnier than intended. 

"Why IT IS?" DaamnKam here!!! DT is a channel for #WeThePeople to exercise our rights & “STAY IN THE kNOW!” In 2015, Nermak's 'DJO the DOJ' meant 'DontJustObey' the DepartmentOfJustice. This is very different from 'Don'tObey'...DJO is NOT about anarchy... DT.djo encourages #Questions - NOT  'just' blindly following any one entities 'definitive enactment' of 'Justice'. Sure, 'DJO' could of easily been 'DO'... the 'J' could have been implied - but... it's 'Just' too imperative to leave out!!! 
     'Just' say 'kNOw' to the NWO! (*Knowledge of the *New *Order for the *World) 'Just' in this context meaning 'simply'. We can vividly recall being nine years old the first time We heard the president mention a "New World Order." This was in relation to the planes & towers,  during the week of SeptemberEleventh. That mornings events successfully lit fires waay outside the confines of #NewYork city... The horror, the absolute abject insanity witnessed the world over... sparking the 'years long' inference We've been working on formulating ever since; Becoming more 'continentally-conscious' over the last 20 years.
     In June of 2021, We found Ourself in the grip of an insanity previously unfathomable. Aware of looking back at a 5 month long, curvy trail of Hitchcockian, nightmare-esque  events... curled atop the bunk of a cell in a twice 'county-condemned' jailhouse that was rumored to have once held Charles Manson... We were actually playing out (& not recognizing) the ramifications of extreme 'ego-detachment'. Having gotten cozily acquainted with the belief system & value hierarchy We'd developed as a result of Intellectually tinkering with sensitive materials from contradictory sources, We've a history of distorting Our perception to further Our understanding. (Drugs werent Our problem, but Our solution!)  Refraining from filling Our bucket with 'just' one tap; (As the old Chinese proverb goes, 'water that is too pure can sustain no fish').

     They say that 'crazy people don't know their crazy'... so if you think your crazy, odds are you actually aren't crazy. Though... We developed an all together different kind of crazy, call it 'Crazy' with a 'K' (#Krazy!) Believing We were in form of 'purgatory', any distinct differentials between 'conspiracy theorist' & '#TruthSeeker' became as blurry to Us from that jail cell as Our own inability to even consider that We were 'sick'... What We mean is, Our name, like Our phone number, had completely escaped Our recollection. Fortunately though, a nurse at that jailhouse did consider such things... having prescribed the antipsychotics that eventually led to retrieval of 'sense' & 'logic'. (Ultimately diagnosed with a 'Stress-induced-psychotic break from reality', or 'Schizo E-disorder') This was the first (& only) experience of extreme delusion while in longterm sobriety from all non-prescribed substances... it 'just' wasn't Our first experience with 'alternate realities. (See, that word 'Just' can reconfigure 'just' about anyDaamnthing!) Hold onto your 'Daamn-faraday-caps' if you want to read more on what 'I' can promise is an unbelievably bizarre, TRUE tale of Spiritual proportions! - 'More on that from #DaamnKam' within #RecoveryIsDiscoveryIsRecovery 🙏🏼

  To answer the question with 'BrassTax'  #DaamnTalkdjo is a series of episodic interviews featuring the contagiously courageous & controversially curious viewpoints of folks 'just' like YOU! Full, high quality audio video podcasts will be filmed on location in the IsleOfBig, as well as virtually co-created with collaborative contribution from DaamnTalk community members @

   With a format loosely derived from both the #JRE & #ThunderDome podcasts, We will throw up & hold down discourse - as opposed to 'holding up' the actual conversation! (or the 'throwing down' that can often accompany (over)heated disagreements! DaamnTalk is a Talk'spot - DaamnTalkDJO is the podcast - Both are available ONLY for '#DaamnLocals'! 

Locals, Somewhat of a PATREON / Facebook hybrid - lacking zSuckerberg’s agenda &/or HD-agents 'banning in the shadows'!) With a vast amount of different communities, Locals features artists, writers, musicians, interview-personalities & creators of all kinds! Exposes them to one another & allows for an opportunity to Connect them directly with fans, friends & perspective community members. It’s like anything though, Just because there're no 'overlords' governing locals, no policing behind the scenes or limiting exposure through destructive algorithms disguised as 'Content-Moderation', -doesn’t mean a channel or brand will become destined to succeed! • It's ONLY by *working together to articulate acquired (*Knowledge *And *Matter) -  that a channel can *function like a community - No (HONEST) outlet can sustain itself- (let alone establish & get exposure) without the help of its contributors! Think about it... Did Mr Beast get to where he is without a group of diehard fans staring, caring & sharing him to the WWW (?)     •WWW (WorldWideWeb)

    • through the act of expressing Our experience, We're effectively putting Our thoughts on display... "Putting Our virtual self on the digital shelf" as Nermak used to say. Proposing 'passion-pertinent-dialectics' & a permanent place to exercise them MAY appear to come naturally to Us... don't be fooled though, even with Our age-old 'vow to honor the Truth above all else'; Vulnerability can be uncomfortable even on the best of Us.  
   • Having survived an adjacent life experience during the same period of time, discovering that the woman who mothered Our only son was not only lieing, but using 'me' for 'my' resources. An act of betrayal at the most findimental of levels, convincing Us of the differences between 'bad' & 'evil'.  
    •The horrors or falling for someone who suffers from #NPD ('Narcissistic Personality Disorder'), Daamn, even 'Narcissism' was a foreign concept prior to 2018... We can definitively attribute that relationship to the collapse of Our psyche that followed. No woman can 'make' a man do or feel anything though, correct(?) 🤔 Therapy session's galore have since led Us to better understand the particularities of this peculiar 'sickness'. Having survived a nearly 3-year encounter with a woman whom We've come to refer to as 'Muzik's mom'... Nearly a year of intensive bi-monthly therapy sessions led to the processing of a realization... post-Schizo, with almost 2 years in Recovery & 1 year away from the psychological torture inflicted by the woman we've come to regard as more like an old 'teacher' of ours.. more that than an 'Ex-girlfriend' or 'BabyMama' because those terms carry the implication of 'partnership' ~{More on Our survival story can be found under #ToxicDaamnesty - #Narcissism - & #MakeBelieveKrapSanFran}
     Eleven paragraphs in & We'll now make a DaamnClaim 'on the record' - that it's through the act of sharing one's 'conclusions' - that they have a tendency to either 'get sharpened' (-or-) 'get run-off' -by what's *REALly 'True'. We can comfortably claim this assertion, having experienced it within Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, psycho-therapists & mental health professionals Until We got the only 📜 degree to date, a 180; We were the quiet, self-conscious ‘over-thinker’ so eloquently outlined in a particular spoken word piece 'NoChildLeftBehind’. (Link here:)

    AnyDaamnWay, IF 'I' can hold your attention for another minute - maybe it'd be With,        -The weight of the matter.
     That’s what keeps Us pulling up Our BigBoy'sextrovert-shorts’, every Daamn day… 'An introspective perception of our collective direction'... The momentum We’ve witnessed in America since 2001… The weight of the matter
   What We kids used to call, ‘Heavy’.    
       Cultural, Social, Political affairs. In addition to this - is what WE EACH perceive to be ‘the matter’ with the ‘wait’! So many citizens have been ‘waiting’ to ‘weigh in’! Maybe some don’t vote; lacking pride in their country either mislead by Media propaganda or genuinely arriving at their own indifferent (or 'wrong’) conclusions. Others come off as a though they’ve 'mistaken' Freedom for Granted since the Regan era… 🇺🇸    
       (Reganomics… Another DaamnWorthy subject We admittedly know very little of for an altogether different time!) How cliché to say, ‘Freedom Isn’t Free’ - Well, IT ISNT. -
Some spend their lives fighting for it, while for others, it actually cost their lives… Having been close with family that served, We’re grateful to have developed a mindset that the sincerity of Our respect for ‘ServiceMembers’ isn't directly dependent on their political identities. All those residing in a #FreeCountry inevitably ‘pay dues’… We’re no exception (exception-al? maybe… fore We've 'Spent’ accumulative years in
critical contemplation.  
    Once but a child staring into the skies of 'Why', We seem to have always been able to recollect asking the most intriguing & intrinsic of questions - *WHO ARE YOU(?) Eventually manifest as WHO IS GOD, ‘always entangled with the important issues of 'Today’. Coincidentally, the answers to this question change as often as the way We've phrased the question! That's another 'Daamn entirely! Leaving that at this; An 'optipredictistic' of sorts ~ {the Universe will see the rising and falling of such 'matter's long after We will … (both 'see it' and 'rise or fall') 😉}~ 

 yet, still… We’ll be the first to admit WE DONT KNOW! #WHY We'll open a segment asking, #WhyItIs

The ‘Why’ has maintained Our curiosity & focus for as long as We’ve held memory. In one of Our earlier interviews, a U.C Professor of American Politics nicknamed yours truly ‘#TheInquisitiveMind’. We in large part attribute Our particular upbringing for having emboldened a ‘Philosophical life’ of sorts. Not religious, yet we said grace at the family dinner table nearly every night. Not political, yet Our folks didn’t shy away from serious discussions & they both took voting seriously. Not a graduate, We’ve no college degree’s (yet!), We did undergo the K-12 experience within public Education, (K-10!), got Our GED during a yearlong stay in Montana at a ‘Troubled-teens Academic-institute’, eventually exceeding the amount of English credit requirements to attain a general associates... (At this time thou, Our indoctrination’s marked ‘incomplete’) We’re also Not an only child, with a sister 5 years the younger we both helped keep the other more honest & aware !
The product of privilege, though not having understood it as such at the time; not only did We have solid, ‘silver-plated’ middle-class spoons, neither of us two were raised without a parent. We can only speak on Our personal experience, We unintentionally surrounded Ourself with more ‘working-class’ peers, almost always in one-parent homes. Introspective hindsight has since dictated that #ignorance was a symptom from the privilege of having a solid (“conventional”) 2 parent #FamilyUnit.
•Going on 4 decades of togetherness, ‘Green’Rene & Lynnie’Lou are still happily married & both play integral roles in our lives! Our dad, Rene, (pronounced ‘Green’ without the ‘G’), the ‘infamous’ Seattle detective who single-handedly located #TedBundy (retired), and Our mom, Lynne, the youngest Daughter of a 6’2 giant, Solomon WingHing Wong. Our grandpa (‘Papa’) was the Chinese patriarch of Our ‘Ohana during Our lifetime. Lynne was 1 of 5 kids raised by Solomon & his wife Joan (‘mama’). They too were together until the end, belonging to a generation when if something valuable breaks, it’s slowly repaired rather than immediately replaced.
Now both in eternal-rest together, on Oahu.
We made their daughter, the award-winning ‘mother of 2’, ‘grandma’ back in 2020 - again (for
good!) in February of 2023! Like #DK himself, Lynne too is (‘Blessed Not Lucky’), a continuing survivor of the disease (#ChronicAddiction). Differences often swallowed in similarity, her ‘#DOC’ (Drug Of Choice) was alcohol. Definitely not the only difference though, as the year she finally stopped drinking was the same Daamn year that DaamnKam began! (Daamn, This ‘3rdperson’ stuff’s rough! ‘We’, after all, consist of 3 different ‘beings’! The spiritual, the physical & the ‘legal’… hence, WE can use OUR own pronouns too!)
The 19 year Sobriety Our mom’s collected since serves to make Us proud, for sure!, but it also reminds Us that, in essence, We’ve been struggling with it for as long as she’s been recovering from it (in relation to this path of Recovery). By the grace of Our G.O.D, We too have been away from ‘active addiction’ since 3/17/20 - & the ‘DOC’ wasn’t alcohol! — For a better understanding of ‘Who the Daamn DaamnKam is — see Nermak’s ‘The Same Difference’, link as follows:

If you’ve read this far… you too, deserve an award!
<— But you’ll settle for this reiteration, —>
‘It seems as though - now’a days - all it takes - to be considered a philosopher - are a few opinions… just as, overnight, all it took to be considered a ‘Hero’ - was diminished to wearing a Daamn mask!’-( NerMak’Black )
In addition to the regurgitation of ‘Truths’ along this #Spiritual journey ♓️ We’ve learned enough to know it’s an impossibility to accurately *verbalize one’s ‘SpiritualAwakening’ - whether interpersonal, existential or otherworldly doesn’t matter when dealing with separate incarcerations from the same source. We hypothesize a downfall of this sort beset countless historical, potentially “Christ-like” characters.
(Oh ‘GÔD’, here he goes again) 🙄 Nah…
to refrain putting on a crown of thorns (Religion)

  • We’d rather ‘put on’ - an emphasis to the following dilemma: We don’t know - what We don't know !!!
    If We think We got it figured out… BoOm!!!
    -game changes! - We feel one of the key components to Philosophy is maintaining mental fluidity; that ‘water-like’ state Bruce Lee touched on while he was here, as Bruce Lee! We want to pick up the pieces from where Nermak left them; Continue his creation, expanding the proverbial puzzle by initiating OPEN DISCOURSE (To put the information- in (accurate) formation!) An integral part of this are the abilities to consume & create, read & write, (For Us Daamners, this means ‘demand & supply’) Important, yes; arguably one’s ability to articulate their thoughts has a direct correlation to their overall effectiveness. Yet, this is admittedly only one part. We’ve been learning since that initial onslaught of ‘Spiritual Reality’, 17 years old & suddenly presented with previously unimaginable #UniversalKnowledge, not exactly ‘data’ that could be applied anywhere - (Knowledge Of/On/From the ‘Universe’, or ‘ultimate true existence’ / AKA - the *present / AKA / the ALL-KNOWING / The kNOW! /
    Having witnessed the #SummerOfLove & Our collective reaction to the pandemic, We decided early on - that ‘collective response’ (reaction) - WAS the pandemic!!!
    Adjacent to the curfews & lockdowns -
    • The restrictions & limitation of Freedom!
      With January 6th’s “deadly-insurrection” landing smack dab in the midst, the internet ‘suddenly’ became a breeding ground for ‘Radical Extremists’ & ‘Domestic Terrorists’! “Emboldened” by an “illegitimate” president. Repeatedly booting the man out; of social media, yes, but the fact remains that A FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WAS SUCCESSFULLY DEPLATFORMED - First, by BIGMEDIA, (as Former President Trump calls it, ‘Fake-News’!) Then, SocialMedia cast him out faster than they did AlexJones for claiming the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting was staged!!! All of this is factual info, which We conclude is #DaamnWorthy when considering the amount of Americans who reportedly felt that the 2020 Presidential election results were faulty, rigged!!! Somewhat ‘distantly-related’ to this group- (like the family that Our blood-family knew back in the day that lived next to a little boy named ‘Donald’, a little boy who’d repeatedly bounce his ball against the side of their house while claiming it was rightfully ‘his ball’ to do with as he would…)- the election integrity broken by the DNC in 2016 targeting then POTUS candidate #BernieSanders. Bernie, like Donnie, regardless of any unique electoral perspective and whatever one thinks of each man’s individual character, served up the ‘REALity’ of the absurdities In Washington to millions of people! (All be it with drastic difference) Trump was NO longer an ‘apprentice’ to even himself, commanding an audience far “GREATer” than the previously achieved ‘reality-tv’ audience
      DaamnKam here, attesting to having voted for Obama in Our first opportunity to participate in the election process. Having witnessed Bernie Sanders shake up the establishment in 2015, taking a deep look into the man’s history & listening to him speak in person, We actually worked diligently on his campaign in 2020! (It’s true… We were a self-proclaimed #BernieBro) UNTIL that is, We began to listen (hear) the ‘other sides’ arguments. Looking back, this consisted of a series of impromptu deep discussions with people we’d ordinarily not have had an excuse to get politically acquainted with. (A ‘Republican Conservative’ Tattoo artist on WeirdbeyIsland, Green’Rene’s old hunting buddy Jimbo, his old partner (Our uncle) Ron Trezise, Our former NA sponsor, former boss & ‘open minded conservative’ ‘Trump guy’ Mr Pahr, and of course T-Rumples himself aided in Our ear-bending enough that by the time Our ‘Peoples-Champ’ Bernie Sanders had endorsed Biden like he had Hillary, - We were already all-ready to vote for the ‘Anti-Bern’! 😮🤭🤫… 🤣
      So, Having voted Red for the first time back in 2020, we’ve been able to dig up Our own foundations & inspect the architectural accuracy of Our own ideas & conclusions… The sum of its parts far more expansive than where & when each little piece was made… Examining the individual ‘components of character’ that conceptually connect the one they inhabit! The beliefs behind the body - the mainframe beyond the mind! The ‘who’ that answers when asked, “Who are you?” One’s collective ‘consciousness & conscience’, co-existing whether one knows it or not. Conclusively, it’s an identity!
      We Humans are ALL creatures of learned behavior! We developed our own aspects of individual uniqueness - by watching others act out what they’ve already developed!
      In other words, One can’t do it alone, even if We wanted to.
      “(Most) useful Truth - is mutually understood.”-NB
      We invite You to help Us, formulating a #SpiritualpoliticalPhilosophy
      Right now, it’s only $2 to join DTdjø-
      -‘cuz it only takes 2 - to talk! U’
      Register now & message us directly to come appear on the show! Chop it up with yours truly, #DaamnKam, as together We will create what We couldn’t alone… an #SpP
      (of) DaamnTalk ‘DontJustØbey’ -ALSO-
    • The #DailyDaamn : #DaamnWorthy content from all over the open #cybersphere (& sometimes the ‘closed’ #metaverse) - Mainly on ( Where We’ll help create the Digital ‘INFOstructure’
      The DailyDaamn (#DTDD) can also serve as short examples of what sparks passion into perspective, invariably leading to discussion! Join Us as We attempt to open the Daamn doors for analysis & critical thought! - ’Daily’ - ( ‘Sometimes Weakly’🤪) & the monthly #DaamnageControl reports
      So… Let’s have a DaamnTalk!

“Where People Proceed InFormation”

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